Friday, October 16, 2009

Shuntsbumps Rules & Regulations

Competitors in the Shuntbumping please take note of the following rules. These may be updated as required, and will be linked from the Shuntbumps Arena (in the Ravelry group forum).

Shuntbumps Rules

1. Time Allowed
In each round a deadline will be set by which time all qualifying competitors must have finished and posted pictures of their completed project in the shuntbumps arena. Players who do not meet this deadline will not progress to the next round.

2. Participation
All qualifying competitors must complete the project, whether or not they are paired with an actual opponent (i.e. in rounds where there is an odd number of competitors).

3. Safety First
No running with scissors. Check your bed for needles or hook hazards before going to sleep. Also, if you have a habit of keeping your dpns or cable needle in your décolletage please make sure to check there too.

4. Cheating
Competitors must leave posts containing photos of their completed projects unedited. If they contain typos, spelling errors and/or poor grammar, live with it! This is to prevent cheating. :0)

(Acknowledgement for rule 3 goes to the Ravelry Designers’ forum.)